What is KVK Innovation Prize?
The KVK Top Innovation prize is an annual competition held each year by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK). For this competition, the Dutch Chamber of Commerce evaluates the small to medium enterprises across the Netherlands. Based on certain criteria, the KVK narrow down the companies to create a list of the top 100 most innovative companies of the year. This years final event was held in Amersfoort and provided a wonderful opportunity for the top 100 to meet and celebrate their innovations and achievements.
The wonderful thing about this event is that it takes into consideration companies from a whole variety of interesting backgrounds and industries. Some wonderful, innovative products from this years’ Top 100 include Solar powered trucks (IM Efficiency Technologies BV), sustainable bamboo toilet paper (The GoodRoll), Dutch Vanilla (Koppert Cress), and fruit leather bags (Trashious).
Second and third places were awarded to Seenon and Pieter Pot! Seenons is a company with a goal to create a world without waste. They offer a platform that connects all players in the waste chain, creating a circular system that minimises waste and converting it into usable materials.
Also working towards a more sustainable future, Pieter Pot offer packaging free proceries! The company is working towards a plastic free world, by offering a packaging-free online supermarket. The only packaging they use is reusable glass jars.
About SenseGlove – this year’s winners
SenseGlove is a SME working in the field of haptics. Founded in 2017 as part of Gijs den Butter’s (co-founder) graduation project, the SenseGlove has evolved to be the most practical haptic glove on the market, being used by over 600 companies worldwide for virtual reality training purposes and robotics. Based in Delft, SenseGlove now has a total of 30 employees from over 13 different countries.
The diverse team has been working hard to provide companies with an innovative, safe, cost and time efficient product that can improve training processes across a wide range of industries. By adding the sense of touch to virtual reality, SenseGlove are providing an optimal training experience with increased immersion and muscle memory, and minimal equipment costs and time investment.
Winning the KVK Innovation award was an amazing achievement for the company, making the team very proud of their hard work and progress.
“As winners of the Chamber of Commerce innovation top 100, we can honestly call ourselves the most innovative company in the Netherlands. This is not only a great appreciation for our team or recognition on a national level. Winning this award also gives us an international boost. Being the most innovative in the Netherlands also earns great appreciation from our foreign customers, partners and in the XR ecosystem in general. With more than 90% customers abroad, this is a valuable designation to carry.”
Johannes Luijten – CTO SenseGlove
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